GW 11 Short

Designer-Eric O’Neil

Cornel-Dungeon-Stone Tower

Text Color Corresponds to Blaze Color

Distance 2.8 miles

Start at stone pillars at Lynn Woods entrance near road to Gannon Golf Course.

Proceed through green gate and up Great Woods Road.

Left on Cornel Path at E6-1. There is a sign with the trail name here.

Straight at E6-2. Blazes change to green.

Left at D7-2 at end of trail onto Waycross Rd. This section has green and orange blazes.

Right at D7-3. There is a sign here for the Jackson Path and Dungeon Rock. Proceed up stone steps past Dungeon Rock.

Left at D7-1 at end of trail on Dungeon Rd.

Right at C7-1 on Cooke Rd. There is a sign here for Cooke Road and the Stone Tower. Proceed uphill past Stone Tower then back downhill.

Right at end of road at E6-1 on Great Woods Rd. Follow the sign pointing to Great Woods gate. Proceed out of woods and back to finish at stone pillars.


GW 11 Long (Admire the Dam, but don't run it)....

Distance 4.43 Miles

Start at green gate...(near Gannon)

Main Road to 3 Road intersection D 5-7

...take left on the Middle Road

...right on Fox Rock  C5-3

...left on Main Road then quick right on to B5-7 (Walden Pond Rd)

...continue past Stone Pillars

..turnaround at black gate at Horse Stables

...and return same route.